Monday 19 November 2012

Lord Mahavir Quotes

Lord Mahavir 
  • The greatest mistake of a soul is non-recognition of its real self and can only be corrected by recognizing itself.
  • Silence and Self-control is non-violence.
  • Every soul is independent. None depends on another
  • There is no separate existence of God. Everybody can attain God-hood by making supreme efforts in the right direction.
  • Every soul is in itself absolutely omniscient and blissful. The bliss does not come from outside.
  • Have compassion towards all living beings. Hatred leads destruction.
  • Respect for all living beings is non‑violence.
  • All human beings are miserable due to their own faults, and they themselves can be happy by correcting these faults.
  • Non-violence is the highest religion
  • A man is seated on top of a tree in the midst of a burning forest. He sees all living beings perish. But he doesn't realize that the same fate is soon to overtake him also. That man is fool.
  • Fight with yourself, why fight with external foes? He, who conquers himself through himself, will obtain happiness.
- Lord Mahavir -

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