Thursday 22 November 2012

भक्तामर स्त्रोत|

भक्तामर स्त्रोत- 5

Sanskrit Sloka

सोऽहं तथापि तव भक्ति वशान्मुनीश ।
कर्तुं स्तवं विगतशक्तिरपि प्रवृत्तः ॥
प्रीत्यऽऽत्मवीर्यमविचार्य मृगो मृगेन्द्रं ।
नाभ्येति किं निजशिशोः परिपालनार्थम् ॥५॥

Hindi Meaning

हे मुनीश! तथापि-शक्ति रहित होता हुआ भी, मैं- अल्पज्ञ, भक्तिवश, आपकी स्तुति करने को तैयार हुआ हूँ| हरिणि, अपनी शक्ति का विचार न कर, प्रीतिवश अपने शिशु की रक्षा के लिये, क्या सिंह के सामने नहीं जाती? अर्थात जाती हैं|


soaham tathapi tava bhakti vashanmunisha
kartum stavam vigatashaktirapi pravrittah |
prityaaatmaviryamavicharya mrigo mrigendram
nabhyeti kim nijashishoh paripalanartham ॥ 5 ॥

Explanation (English)

O Apostle of apostles ! I am incapable of narrating your infinite virtues. Still, inspired by my devotion for you, I intend to compose a hymn in your praise. It is well known that to protect her fawn, even a doe puts her feet down and faces a lion, forgetting its own fraility. (Similarly, devotion is forcing me to face the great task of composing the hymn without assessing my own capacity.)

Bhagawan Abhinandananath (श्री अभिनन्दननाथ) - the fourth Tirthankara

Bhagawan Abhinandananath

Wednesday 21 November 2012

भक्तामर स्त्रोत|

भक्तामर स्त्रोत- 4

Sanskrit Sloka

वक्तुं गुणान् गुणसमुद्र शशाङ्क्कान्तान् ।
कस्ते क्षमः सुरगुरुप्रतिमोऽपि बुद्ध्या ॥
कल्पान्त काल् पवनोद्धत नक्रचक्रं ।
को वा तरीतुमलमम्बुनिधिं भुजाभ्याम् ॥४॥

Hindi Meaning

हे गुणों के भंडार! आपके चन्द्रमा के समान सुन्दर गुणों को कहने लिये ब्रहस्पति के सद्रश भी कौन पुरुष समर्थ है? अर्थात् कोई नहीं| अथवा प्रलयकाल की वायु के द्वारा प्रचण्ड है मगरमच्छों का समूह जिसमें ऐसे समुद्र को भुजाओं के द्वारा तैरने के लिए कौन समर्थ है अर्थात् कोई नहीं|


vaktum gunan gunasamudra shashankkantan 
kaste kshamah suragurupratimoapi buddhya |
kalpanta – kal – pavanoddhata – nakrachakram
ko va taritumalamambunidhim bhujabhyam ॥ 4 ॥

Explanation (English)

O Ocean of virtues! Can even Brihaspati, the guru of gods, with the help of his unlimited wisdom, narrate your virtues transparent and blissful as the moon? (certainly not.) Is it possible for a man to swim across the reptile infested ocean, lashed by gales of deluge? (certainly not.)

Bhagwan Sambhavanath (श्री संभवनाथ) - the third Tirthankara

Bhagwan Sambhavanath

Tuesday 20 November 2012

भक्तामर स्त्रोत|

भक्तामर स्त्रोत- 3

Sanskrit Sloka

बुद्ध्या विनाऽपि विबुधार्चित पादपीठ ।
स्तोतुं समुद्यत मतिर्विगतत्रपोऽहम् ॥
बालं विहाय जलसंस्थितमिन्दु बिम्ब । 
मन्यः क इच्छति जनः सहसा ग्रहीतुम् ॥३॥

Hindi Meaning

देवों के द्वारा पूजित हैं सिंहासन जिनका, ऐसे हे जिनेन्द्र मैं बुद्धि रहित होते हुए भी निर्लज्ज होकर स्तुति करने के लिये तत्पर हुआ हूँ क्योंकि जल में स्थित चन्द्रमा के प्रतिबिम्ब को बालक को छोड़कर दूसरा कौन मनुष्य सहसा पकड़ने की इच्छा करेगा? अर्थात् कोई नहीं|


buddhya vinaapi vibudharchita padapitha
stotum samudyata matirvigatatrapoaham | 
balam vihaya jalasansthitamindu bimba – 
manyah ka ichchhati janah sahasa grahitum ॥ 3 ॥

Explanation (English)

O Jina! As an ignorant child takes up an impossible task of grabbing the reflection of moon in water, out of impudence alone, an ignorant man like me trying to eulogize a great soul like you.

Monday 19 November 2012

Jain Temples to Visit

Lal Mandir

Located just opposite the massive Red Fort, the Shri Digambar Jain Lal Mandir is the oldest and best known Jain temple in Delhi. Originally built in 1526, the temple has undergone many alterations and additions in the past and was enlarged in the early 19th century. The imposing red sandstone temple is also known as Lal Mandir.

भक्तामर स्त्रोत|

भक्तामर स्त्रोत- 2

Sanskrit Sloka

यः संस्तुतः सकल वाङ्मय तत्वबोधा ।
द् उद्भूत बुद्धिपटुभिः सुरलोकनाथैः ॥
स्तोत्रैर्जगत्त्रितय चित्त हरैरुदरैः ।
स्तोष्ये किलाहमपि तं प्रथमं जिनेन्द्रम् ॥२॥

Hindi Meaning

सम्पूर्णश्रुतज्ञान से उत्पन्न हुई बुद्धि की कुशलता से इन्द्रों के द्वारा तीन लोक के मन को हरने वाले, गंभीर स्तोत्रों के द्वारा जिनकी स्तुति की गई है उन आदिनाथ जिनेन्द्र की निश्चय ही मैं (मानतुंग) भी स्तुति करुँगा|


yah sanstutah sakala-vangaya- tatva-bodha-
d -ud bhuta- buddhipatubhih suralokanathaih|
stotrairjagattritaya chitta-harairudaraih
stoshye kilahamapi tam prathamam jinendram ॥ 2॥

Explanation (English)

Wise celestial lords, who have acquired wisdom from all the canons, have eulogized Bhagavan Adinath with Hymns bringing joy to the audience of three realms (heaven, earth and hell) I(Matungacharya, an humble man with little wisdom) shall be steadfast in my endeavour to eulogize that first Tirthankar.

Lord Mahavir Quotes

Lord Mahavir 
  • The greatest mistake of a soul is non-recognition of its real self and can only be corrected by recognizing itself.
  • Silence and Self-control is non-violence.
  • Every soul is independent. None depends on another
  • There is no separate existence of God. Everybody can attain God-hood by making supreme efforts in the right direction.
  • Every soul is in itself absolutely omniscient and blissful. The bliss does not come from outside.
  • Have compassion towards all living beings. Hatred leads destruction.
  • Respect for all living beings is non‑violence.
  • All human beings are miserable due to their own faults, and they themselves can be happy by correcting these faults.
  • Non-violence is the highest religion
  • A man is seated on top of a tree in the midst of a burning forest. He sees all living beings perish. But he doesn't realize that the same fate is soon to overtake him also. That man is fool.
  • Fight with yourself, why fight with external foes? He, who conquers himself through himself, will obtain happiness.
- Lord Mahavir -

Bhagwan Ajitnath (श्री अजितनाथ ) - the second Tirthankara

Ajitnath Bhagwan

Sunday 18 November 2012

Shree Parashnath Digambar Jain Mandir, Bandel

Inside of Bandel Jain Mandir

णमोकार मंत्र का पाठ|

Shree Parashnath Digambar Jain Mandir, Bandel

भक्तामर स्त्रोत|

भक्तामर स्त्रोत- 1

Sanskrit Sloka

भक्तामर प्रणत मौलिमणि प्रभाणा ।
मुद्योतकं दलित पाप तमोवितानम् ॥
सम्यक् प्रणम्य जिन पादयुगं युगादा ।
वालंबनं भवजले पततां जनानाम् ॥१॥

Hindi Meaning

झुके हुए भक्त देवो के मुकुट जड़ित मणियों की प्रथा को प्रकाशित करने वाले, पाप रुपी अंधकार के समुह को नष्ट करने वाले, कर्मयुग के प्रारम्भ में संसार समुन्द्र में डूबते हुए प्राणियों के लिये आलम्बन भूत जिनेन्द्रदेव के चरण युगल को मन वचन कार्य से प्रणाम करके (मैं मुनि मानतुंग उनकी स्तुति करुँगा)|


bhaktamara-pranata-maulimani-prabhana -
mudyotakam dalita-papa-tamovitanam |
samyak pranamya jina padayugam yugada-
valambanam bhavajale patatam jananam ॥ 1॥

Explanation (English)

When the Gods bow down at the feet of Bhagavan Rishabhdeva divine glow of his nails increases shininess of jewels of their crowns. Mere touch of his feet absolves the beings from sins. He who submits himself at these feet is saved from taking birth again and again. I offer my reverential salutations at the feet of Bhagavan Rishabhadeva, the first Tirthankar, the propagator of religion at the beginning of this era.

Bhagwan Rishabha Dev ( श्री आदिनाथ ) - the first 'Tirthankara.

Famous Temples of Shri Adinath

Chaumukha temple Ranakpur

Girnarji Tirth


A Visit To Girnarji

णमोकार मंत्र |

दीपावली प्रीति सम्मेलन

आज  दीपावली  प्रीति सम्मेलन  कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया हैं|  आज तीन बजे  णमोकार मंत्र  का पाठ  हैं| 

Mahavir Swami’s Teachings

Meaning of Namo Arihantanam

Namo Arihanta Nam
    Homage to the 'ARIHANT'- The Omnicient Soul who have conquered their Foes.
Namo Siddha Nam
    Homage to the 'SIDDHA'- The Perfect Liberators who are free from all Bondates
Namo Ayari Ya Nam
    Homage to the 'ACHARYAS'- The Spirital Exponents who are offering Eternal Knowledge
Namo Uvajjha Ya Nam
    Homage to the 'UPADHYAYA'- The Inspiring Masters who lead from Darkness to Light
Namo Loye Savva Sahu Nam
    Homage to the 'SADHUS'- The Dedicated Saints who live in Selfless Service
Eso Panch Namok Karo Savva Pava Pana Sano,
Mangla Lanchan Savve Sin Padhamam Havai Manglum
    Homage to All These Five who have upheld Eternal Values, Revernce for life and Appreciation for all Souls.